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How to Learn Fluent Cantonese On Your Own Fast: Top Strategies & Resources

Jarrod Suda


Apr 6, 2023
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As a certified TEFL (teaching English as a foreign language) instructor working professionally since 2016, I became all too familiar with the robotic and outdated methods used to teach foreign languages. Teachers and other colleagues of mine were often incentivised to teach their students how to pass exams, which did not always lead to the teaching of natural communication skills.

Instead, I'll share proven strategies I've learned that depart from conventional textbook systems. We'll cover actionable steps to get you from beginner to fluency in Cantonese. Best of all, these step-by-step strategies can be done on a self-study basis with excellent online learning resources like Italki.

In this guide, learn how to speak Cantonese like a native in Hong Kong on your own schedule at your own pace, without excessive textbooks, school bells, or exams. While the language is completely unrelated to the English language family, you'll still be able to start speaking in no time.

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Looking to improve your Cantonese skills and connect with a global community of language learners? Italki provides 1-on-1 lessons trusted by millions of users. Learn from certified teachers that are reviewed, rated, and fit your budget and schedule. Plus, with Italki's discounted trial lessons, you can try out different instructors until you find the right fit.

8 Actionable Steps to Learn and Master Cantonese

At Monito, we've researched proven strategies used by modern-day polyglots to acquire languages fast. And after achieving conversational and written fluency in Japanese and passing the second-highest level exam for Japanese after 3 years of self-study, I have also identified common mistakes that you can fix to easily cut time to language fluency by fifty to eighty percent.

Together, these 8 steps will get you on the path to Cantonese fluency without an overreliance on textbooks, language schools, and even teachers:

1. Consider materials, not teachers, as your determining factor

When it comes to learning a foreign language, many students focus solely on finding the perfect teacher to guide them on their language-learning journey. However, it's equally important to consider the quality of teaching materials used at the school, if not more so.

While some may advocate for pure language immersion, we caution against this approach as instructors may fail to explain crucial grammatical and linguistic concepts. Materials in Cantonese that are solely explained in Cantonese by monolingual teachers can actually hinder the speed of your language acquisition.

By prioritizing effective materials, you can better equip yourself with the necessary language skills to navigate real-world situations. Just like having an average cook with a great recipe can still result in a delicious meal, having quality materials with clear and practical examples can lead to successful language acquisition. So, instead of solely relying on finding the perfect teacher, carefully scrutinize the teaching materials as your determining factor in choosing how to learn Cantonese.

2. Choose the right environment for fast progress

In a large class with disinterested students, you may not receive the individualized attention you need to progress effectively. In fact, classes often move as slowly as the slowest student. When choosing a language school, look for:

  • low student-to-teacher ratios (less than 10 to 1);
  • schools with multiple proficiency levels (15 or more);

These factors ensure that you receive the support and guidance you need to succeed. They also allow for much more tailored instruction.

One of the best resources to solve these problems is the online one-on-one language classroom, Italki. When you select from a library of highly-rated tutors, you'll get the best student-teacher ratio possible: 1 to 1. Language learning is a process unique to each learner. Some pick up grammatical patterns more easily. Others have better ears for quickly-spoken Cantonese. With online tutors from resources like Italki, you'll get one-on-one guidance that is fully customized to your proficiency level.

3. Find teachers that are descriptive rather than prescriptive

Progress will be faster when you find a teacher who practices vocabulary and grammar based on actual frequency of use, not esoteric grammar in a textbook. Teachers should be able and willing to explain, for example, greetings like "Lei ho?" (How are you?) instead of "Nei hou" (Hello), even though the former is more often used in Hong Kong than in Guangzhou.

If you made a list of the 100 most commonly written English words and a list of the most commonly spoken English words, the difference would be significant. Cantonese has a very similar distribution. If you want to become functionally fluent in listening and speaking, then you should study the most frequently spoken grammar, which might not be in a textbook.

4. Practice realistic conversation one-on-one

Conversation is learned, not taught.

This point is crucial. While grammar and vocabulary can be learned in a class with materials and teacher guidance, it's easy to get caught up in only studying and not actually practicing speaking. To achieve fluency, you need to make mistakes and speak regularly.

Using conversation rooms and partners on platforms like Italki can help you avoid spending too much time on unnecessary grammar. Instead, focus on learning these few essential verb conjugations:

  1. First-person singular in the past: Ngoh haih johng guh (I was).
  2. First-person singular in the present: Ngoh haih (I am).
  3. First-person singular in the future: Ngoh wuih (I will be).
  4. Second-person singular in the past: Neih haih johng guh (You were).
  5. Second-person singular in the present: Neih haih (You are).
  6. Second-person singular in the future: Neih wuih (You will be).

Cantonese is a tonal language so it's essential to learn and practice the correct tones in order to communicate effectively in Cantonese. When you start to build up a vocabulary of verbs, you'll be able to start testing these patterns (and the exceptions) in the real world. Take responsibility to leave the classroom and practice your Cantonese in real-life situations.

To speed up your learning process, start speaking as early as possible. Conversational skills can only be developed in a realistic one-on-one environment where your brain is challenged to keep up with normal speed communication.

5. Learn the correct pronunciation with media you enjoy

When you learn how to listen to the sounds of Cantonese, your listening comprehension will get an immediate boost. If you become familiar with how words should sound and how they should be spelled, you will retain them more easily during vocabulary training.

Grammar and vocabulary acquisition generally takes the most work because you can't expect to absorb words passively. However, if you understand how the language flows and where the sentence breaks are, it can be easier to differentiate between verbs, nouns, prepositions, and other parts of speech.

Personally, when I was learning Japanese, I watched a wide range of media to learn the flow of the language. I watched everything from popular talk shows to news to sumo matches. Don't watch Hong Kong action movies just because it's common advice for Cantonese learners. Understand the cadence of Cantonese with whichever media source gives you the most enjoyment.

6. Acquire vocabulary and grammar efficiently

Now it is time for vocabulary and grammar, everyone’s nightmare. We have three principles to actually make this step fun: interest, effectiveness, and efficiency. 

  • Interest: Study Cantonese that you will use in the real world that you actually enjoy. If a textbook is teaching you how to understand a Cantonese weather broadcast, you may lose motivation because it is neither catered to your interests nor is it all-that applicable to daily life.
  • Efficiency: If you can master just the 100 or 200 most commonly used words in Cantonese, your comprehension of native audio can increase by fifty to eighty percent. As I mentioned before, focus on just mastering the essential verb conjugations for first-person singular and second-person singular in the past, present, and future tenses. This makes up the vast majority of practical language use. While popular apps like Duolingo can help, self-made flashcards are critical tools for learning this content.
  • Effective: While learning through Cantonese immersion can have benefits, it has been found that it is actually more effective to comprehend the meaning of the grammar in your own language. While confronting difficult native Cantonese is a good challenge for your brain, it's important to build a strong grammar foundation. Despite popular opinion, this is often best accomplished by having the patterns and mechanics of things explained to you in your mother tongue.

7: Master one thing instead of consuming media widely

Choose media that is just above your level of comprehension to acquire the language effectively. Don't jump into watching a full movie in Cantonese too soon. Look for material that challenges your current level, also called your "zone of proximal development", at each stage of your learning journey. Even if it means mastering short, simple dialogues, this approach can be very effective.

Focus your reading on specific subjects rather than reading widely. Start with one piece of material and work through it systematically, seeking to understand as much as possible. If you come across something you don't understand, rewind or reread until you do. While it may seem counter-intuitive to limit the variety of media, by doing so, you can gain a deep understanding of the grammar and linguistic patterns present in the material.

This knowledge can then be applied to new materials, allowing for greater understanding and retention. Rushing through content to consume as much media as possible may cause you to miss important foundational patterns — leaving you with little substantial progress.

8: Embrace ambiguity and the willingness to make mistakes

When learning a foreign language, it's crucial to have a high tolerance for ambiguity. This means being okay with only understanding around 70-80% of what you hear. Recognize that the last 20-30% required for native fluency will take time and effort to grasp. Even fluent Cantonese speakers don't understand every word they hear on TV or in the newspaper all the time.

As I mentioned earlier, practicing one-on-one conversation is the key to becoming truly fluent after learning from books or tv shows. This is why Italki is one of the best resources to accelerate your learning exponentially.

For other great options to immerse yourself in the language, consider these organizations:

  • World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF);
  • Workaway;
  • TrustedHousesitters.

These platforms provide opportunities to live and volunteer in Hong Kong in exchange for free rent, allowing you to fully engage with the language and culture.

8 Steps to Learn Cantonese in Summary

If you want to learn and master Cantonese, there are eight actionable steps that we have found to be very effective. While we understand the value of great educators, it is important not to rely solely on them at traditional language schools. Instead, find one-on-one classrooms with teachers who don't always stick to the textbook.

Practice conversing online with native speakers to get used to the intonation of Cantonese. Speaking the language regularly from the very beginning is a proven method for achieving rapid progress. Italki is a reliable platform for language learners who wish to practice their Cantonese skills effectively.

Practising and acquiring practical grammar and focusing on content that challenges your current level is also essential. Finally, don't be afraid to make mistakes, as they are a natural part of learning.

Italki offers 1-on-1 lessons through video chat with certified Cantonese tutors and conversation partners who can provide personalized guidance and feedback. These tutors can help identify areas of improvement, develop customized learning plans, and monitor progress closely.

With numerous tutors to choose from, you can easily find a tutor that matches your specific goals, schedule, and budget. Investing in a few sessions with an Italki tutor can significantly boost your confidence and reach your Cantonese learning goals more efficiently than with traditional language learning apps.

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